Post by Luke BrinerI have seen several locos labelled as early and late BR crest (on the
Bachman adverts on Model Rail for example!!).
What are the rough dates that would have related to the various crests
or was there quite an overlap? I assume that as soon as the railways
were nationalised, the locos were repainted in early crest, but this
wouldn't have happened overnight.
I am modelling a period in the 60s (the exact period is not important)
but I wonder what crests/liveries might have been seen at the same time
around Taunton on the Great Western (GWR and late crest ever?)
Some relevant WR livery and crest info from E.R.Mountford's book on
Caerphilly Works:
On 2 February 1948 instructions were issued that GWR lettering on locos
was to be replaced by BRITISH RAILWAYS in full. Also letter "W" was to be
painted below the cast numberplate.
On 12 March 1948 instruction for painting the "W" was cancelled.
Late 1949 the first BR crest (the cycling lion) was introduced in two
sizes. The first engine to receive the smaller version at Caerphilly was
5682 on 18 October 1949, and the first with the larger size were 4255 and
5649 on 8 December 1949.
On 10 January 1950 instruction that GWR practice of painting the shed code
on front hanging plate was to be discontinued, and replaced by cast
shedplates on smokebox door, with painted details on inside of cab roof.
In November 1956 an instruction issued that certain main line passenger
engines were to be painted green with full lining out, whilst some smaller
and mixed traffic engines were to be painted green but unlined.
On 25 January 1957 the instruction was amended to ALL green engines being
fully lined out. The first engine so treated at Caerphilly was 4152 on 15
February 1957
The second BR crest was first applied at Caerphilly to 5680 on 19 March
An instruction in July 1957 stopped the practice of lining tender fenders.
6386 on 29 July was the last to have two panel tender lining.
From March 1958 some smaller engines were turned out black instead of
lined green as previously. 2266 on 28 March was first engine turned out in
black instead of lined green.
The practice at Caerphilly (only) of painting reversing rods of tender
engines red was stopped by an instruction from Swindon in November 1958.
An instruction in March 1962 stated that only engines having Heavy General
repairs were to be repainted, and only main line passenger classes were to
be lined green.
My recollection is that the first style BR crest was still reasonably
common in 1962.
Hope this helps.